Pakistan Railways Invitation Bids

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Pakistan Railroads (CSF/Directorate), Central command Office, Lahore Welcomes fixed offers from Providers and so on, enrolled with Deals Duty and Annual Assessment Divisions and who are on Dynamic Citizens Ust (All) of FBR, for supply of following material.

Adv. Tender Plo.W-22/CSF/SAND/SUK/2023-24

Description of MaterialQuantityCompletion
Period of
Terms of
Supply of Dry Sand (By Road) from approved source of Mach/Narl/Mirk to Concrete Sleeper Factory, Sukkur as per specification mentioned In bidding documents.207,450
Within 04
Months or
earlier, in two equal
(Lump sum)
Free delivery at
  1. Offering archives, containing nitty gritty agreements, and so on are accessible at

office of Manaaina Chief/CSF, Pakistan Ra lwav Headauarters Office. Lahore, Cost of the offering archives is Rs.3000/ – Each (Non-refundable) Offering records can likewise be downloaded from site of PPRA (www.ppra.orq.ok) and Pakistan Rail routes (www.Pakrail.ciov.Pk) liberated from cost.

  1. The offers, ready as per the directions in the offering records,

should reach at office of the Overseeing Chief/CSF, Pakistan Rail route, Fleadauarters Office. Lahore prior to 23.05.2024 till 11:00 hours. Offers will be opened on a similar date for example 23.05.2024 at 11:30 hours within the sight of bidders. This promotion Is likewise accessible on PPRA site at www.ppra.oro,nk

PID (L) 3459

(Ghous Bux Soomro)
Executive Engineer/CSF/HQ
for Managing Director/CSF,
P.R. Headquarters Office,
Empress Road, Lahore.

042-99201776 FAX Y 04249201783

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